Have you guys heard of Beauty Counter? I was honestly surprised I hadn’t heard of it before. It’s an amazing company and their products are right up my alley. I always try my best to buy “natural” products for the kids. But in all honesty, it’s hard to know unless you research your products before you hit the store. But if you find you’re out of shampoo and you are standing in the aisle at Target, you do your best. For some weird reason I can’t say I take the same amount of concern or research into account when it comes to products for myself and I have no idea why.
When Kelly Castady contacted me and asked if I would be interested in trying some of the products, I was really excited.
Let me share a video with you guys about the company that I really loved. It does such a good job of describing who they are and what they are about and what you can expect from them, so much better than any ramblings I could do haha.
“Our skin is our largest organ and what you put on it matters. It matters a lot.”
Right? That makes prefect sense! But like I said, its hard to know whats good, and whats bad. And how some of your favorite products measure up. One way you can find out is by searching for your items on Skin Deep.
All of Beauty Counter products rank at a 1 or a 2. So really, the research can stop there. You can find out what products you have that rank high in toxins and replace them with Beauty Counter products and have peace of mind about whats in them. Every single one of them available on the site will rate at a 1 or a 2.
I know for me, living in Los Angeles one thing I struggle with is sunscreen. Sunscreens- especially some of those brand that are easy to grab at the local corner store when you run out and haven’t done your research- are often full of irritants and some of them pose high risks for developmental and reproductive harm! I’m not mom shaming. I have put that garbage on my kids and heck I grew up as a baby in the tropics and I probably didn’t even wear sunscreen! But when given the choice I would rather arm myself with something I know is safe and also effective!! I tried out this roller version
At first I honestly thought it might be a hassle because its so little- but I love that I can keep it in my purse! Most days I forget sunscreen until we are all buckled in the car so this is perfect. Also, Oliver really likes to apply it himself (with a little help). I have even applied it over my makeup before with little disruption. I will probably try the full tube cream version next.
We also tried the kids shampoo and the kids body wash. Both of them smell amazing and because they are a quality product a little goes a long way! I gotta say I appreciate the pretty packaging too but I’m a design nerd haha. Elliot has mild eczema so I always want to be sure to use something gentle. I also follow his bath with their baby oil to make sure he stays moisturized at night- especially his face.
For myself I tried some face products.
I have normal to dry skin so Kelly recommended a few things. One is this charcoal soap. Soaps are often made with harsh surfactants such as sulfates that are overly drying and irritating to the skin- the last thing I want to do is dry my skin out more. Okay, $24 for a bar of “soap”- you might think that’s crazy but I’m fairly certain its going to last all year (or longer)! The charcoal face bar gently draws out impurities while nourishing the skin with organic safflower and coconut oils, and pure essential oils.
I have been alternating the charcoal bar and the gentle exfoliator every night and then I top it off and seal in the goodness with moisturizers.
I apply a pump or two if the nourishing night cream and then I ADD a few drops of the Lustro Oil #2. This oil is heavenly! My skin feels so glowy and even. Don’t think that just because you have oily skin you can’t use an oil! They offer 3 different oils. #1 is for everyone, especially anyone with sensitive skin. #2 is great for people like me with dry skin and #3 is ideal for oily/combination or acne prone skin. I highly recommend the oils and I think I’m hooked. Also again they get me with the beautiful packaging!
Overall, I’m so grateful to Kelly for introducing me to their line of products and our family will be continuing to use them for sure. Kelly has offered to sweeten the deal for any of my readers who are interested in trying the products!! So I highly recommend that now be time you try!
• For all purchases (up to $125) she will include a complimentary Citrus Mimosa Hand Cream ($18 value)
• All purchases over $125 will receive a complimentary Charcoal Cleansing Bar ($24 value)
• We will be using a unique link specific to my site so anyone who purchases from here will also be entered into a raffle to win the grand prize – which will be Lustro Face oil #1 ($68 value)
Also as part of Stand Up to Cancer Beautycounter has pledged to match fundraising efforts dollar for dollar up to $50,000. For the month of July Kelly has set a goal to raise $1000 for Stand Up to Cancer and will donate $5 for every $100 in sales.