I’m in the final stretch now! I’m finishing out my last week in the office. Next week I will work from home for one week. Then after that I start maternity leave whether baby shows up or not! With Oliver, I planned on spending all of my leave with him so I didn’t plan on leaving work until 39 weeks. I figured, hey its a desk job, its not like I’m on my feet all day. My leave is not paid (aside from California state partial pay for a few weeks) and as a first time mom I knew that I wanted to spend as much time as possible with the baby. But little did I know he would show up at 38 weeks on the dot! Luckily for me, he waited until Friday night after work to start labor. So this time around, I decided I should be working at home starting at 37 weeks just in case I have another early arrival. I’d really rather not go into labor at work. But who knows, every pregnancy is different. Maybe baby number two will decide to be stubborn and wait till 41 weeks (dear god, please don’t haha). We shall see. But I’m excited about potentially having a little down time- a little me time- this time around. Maybe I’ll get my nails done. Maybe papa and I can catch a mid day movie date while Oliver’s at daycare! It’s the little things guys. I might never see a movie again.
As my mother said when shes saw these photos “Yeowza! He’s looking ready to arrive!” or my mother in law when she saw this photo titled “final stretch” said “Literally- Stretch!” Haha.
Baby is measuring exactly as he should be. But Oliver didn’t measure large either so…we shall see, I’m a tiny lady.
Always with that damn tongue Peeps!
Pregnancy Status: 36 weeks and some change
Dress: NOM maternity (nursing friendly for post baby!!) Similar (non nursing friendly version) here
Headscarf: Levi’s
Denim Vest: another one from the Target little girls section
Shoes: not converse, in fact, these shoes were literally $3 at RiteAid pharmacy! haha
Lisa says
I love your style, and it totally cracks me up that you’re wearing a kid’s vest (I would have never known–it’s perfect!).
I’m 30 weeks pregnant & trying to be creative with my style to get me through these last couple months. Check out my site if you have some time!
Baby It's Bedtime says
Looking cute! Almost there! We would love to send you our video about baby sleep. Shoot us an email