Although Labor Day nearly signals the end of summer for us- that weekend felt the most like summer yet. We headed to Oliver’s grandma Jenkins for the weekend. It’s just a little over an hour away so its an easy escape but it always feels like a mini vacation. It was a hot weekend- the kind where you never take your swim suit off, you walk wet haired to the local burger stand, you lounge around in grandmas yard, you stay up playing card games and wake up early to walk along the ocean with the dogs and you forever feel warm, salty, sweaty and browned by the sun. We had a good one. Lets re-live it via this little short we made with our point and shoot.
Huge fan of this! Can I go back in time and meet you guys there?
My favorite parts of this video (in order): naked baby butt, underwater camera shots, Ollie eating sand! thanks for sharing!
Ollie eating sand is ridiculous.