Last week we celebrated Oliver’s first month. I can’t believe that a month has already flown by. I feel like I blinked and a month had passed. It makes me realize how fast my maternity leave will be up and before I know it he will be 12 years old and taller than me. Okay, I might be getting carried away haha. To celebrate the most awesome of months we went to the Long Beach Aquarium with Emily, Adam and Chico (our godson). In all honesty Oliver couldn’t have cared less haha, duh, but we are eager for our boys to have fun adventures together so we went for it.
Emily is a big fan of baby carriers (that might be an understatement) and I was eager and interested in trying the Sakura Bloom ring sling. The biggest lure for me was the idea that I could nurse in the sling. Nursing can be a challenge when you are out and about. For example, yesterday I found myself at Target. I was waiting for a family fitting room (which were all occupied by non families- ugh) but before I could get to trying anything on the baby lost it and needed to nurse. I immediately latched him but then had to navigate my stroller with one hand, hold him with the other and try to find a bench- minor chaos. So to be able to do some hands free nursing sounded amazing. Several baby carriers say that you can nurse in them, but I haven’t found it to be true for newborns. So before buying yet another baby carrier, I asked Emily if I could try one of hers out (since she owns several).
I really enjoyed the sling experience for several reasons. I was able to successfully nurse in it and not only that but I was able to go about my hands free business. No finding a bench and doing nothing for 20 mins!
Another thing I really love about the Sakura sling is how easy it is to adjust and put on, especially between wearers. We currently own the Solly Baby Wrap and the Ergo Carrier. We like both of them but they do have their issues. The Solly take a while to get on, you have to wrap it up and around and then load the baby in. It’s not hard, but it does take a moment and if you have a fussy baby, it can feel like “too long”. The Ergo will likely be great as Oliver gets bigger but currently it has its downsides. One being that you have to adjust all the straps to change it between wearers. Two- to use as a newborn, you have to use this padded infant insert that makes it really hot for the little guy and three- you can’t nurse a newborn in it (same with the Solly).
The dads love that they can easily wear the baby as well. Honestly, these two dreamboats always want to wear their babies! “Can I wear him now?” Needless to say, we were pretty impressed so we have decided to add one to our arsenal!
I also snapped a few pics of Ollie’s cute outfit, since he was hiding in the sling all day haha. He was grumpy about it.
Then we had a little nursing session and he felt much better about it!
(Oliver’s outfit is from baby Gap)
by Gaelyn on August 7, 2013
Categories: Fashion, Kids, LIfe, Motherhood, Products, What Ollie Wore 4 1
Mothercraft Nurse says
Lovely baby!!! looks like your baby love travelling!!